
Buy and Sell Smarter

Find the perfect investment property or sell one that you no longer need. We’ll give you a leg up on the market, and make it all easy — all while maximizing your bottom line

A collection of Nomad buffalo characters
Illustration of two signs pointing in opposite directions reading "Buy" and "Sell

The Nomad team can help you make the best decision for your investment

total sales volume

achieved price vs. list price

“I had multiple offers within a few days and a signed contract for the highest sale price in the neighborhood a week after listing”

an image of Nomad customer Joe
Nomad Icon Rating


Nomad since 2022

One house with an "Under contract" notification and one house with a "Just listed" notification

We Can Help

It's Never Been Easier

Nomad makes investing in long term rental properties simple & easy. Talk to our team to learn more about our comprehensive brokerage services.

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4 Nomad buffalo characters using binoculars and computer to search

Meet our team

Our team of experienced brokers will help you every step of the way. Because property investing should build your wealth, not your stress levels.

Lisa O'Neil

Lisa O'Neil

Managing Broker

Frank Morales

Frank Morales

Associate Broker

Wes Oswalt

Wes Oswalt

Associate Broker

Newfound Group

Newfound Group

National Partner

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Nomad Buffalo

Unlocking economic opportunity for everyone.

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Nomad Brokerage LLC

Nomad Brokerage California Inc

California DRE # 02230490

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